LG-621 底片印花機

  • 特點: 本機適用各種油墨,特別對高溫油墨有獨特效果,采氣動調節升降,變頻調速,油墨不浪費,設有回收裝置,油墨可循環使用,本機直接凹版印刷,花紋圖案清晰,失真度小,立體感強,令改色的底片錦上添花。凹凸面削斜邊處均可印上花紋
  • 產品特色與規格

  • SThe machine is suitable for a variety of inks, especially for high-temperature ink has a unique effect, lifting mining pneumatic control, frequency control, do not waste ink with recovery, ink can be recycled, direct gravure printing machine, clear patterns, little distortion , stereoscopic, so change the color of the film even better. Convex surface of the cut can be printed on the pattern of the hypotenuse